Grammar Quiz 3

Grammar Quiz 3

Do the following exercises related to Grammar 2 - Yes/No and Where-Questions with the verb to be.

1) No inglês, para se fazer uma pergunta com o "verb to be", é preciso trocar a ordem das palavras. A seguir faça a pergunta em inglês, do tipo Yes/No Question, a partir de uma afirmação. 

Example: You are a teacher.

Answer: Are you a teacher?

a) John is in New York.
2) Make a question based on an affirmative sentence.
    Faça uma pergunta baseada em uma frase afirmativa.

a) You are hungry.

3) Make a question based on an affirmative sentence.
    Faça uma pergunta baseada em uma frase afirmativa.

a) We are alone.

4) Make a question based on an affirmative sentence.

a) They are sick.

5) Make a question based on an affirmative sentence.

a) Mr. Martin is married.

6) Make a question based on an affirmative sentence.

a) I am alone.

7) Uma maneira simples e bastante comum de se responder as Yes/No Questions é através das "Short Answers". Responda as perguntas a seguir com "Short Answers". Será indicado à frente da pergunta se a resposta deve ser positiva ou negativa. Cheque suas respostas no Answer Keys.


Is she in Miami? (negative)

Answer: No, she isn't.

a) Are you Japanese? (negative) 

8) Answer the Yes/No Question with a negative or positive short answer.
Responda a Yes/No Question com uma short answer positiva ou negativa.

a) Is Jessica wrong? (positive)

9) Answer the Yes/No Question with a negative or positive short answer.
Responda a Yes/No Question com uma short answer positiva ou negativa.

a) Are John and Mark brothers? (positive)

10) Answer the Yes/No Question with a negative or positive short answer.

a) Are you tired? (negative)

11) Answer the Yes/No Question with a negative or positive short answer.

a) Is Ken a journalist? (negative)

12) Answer the Yes/No Question with a negative or positive short answer.

a) Am I alone? (positive)

13) Além das perguntas do tipo Sim/Não (Yes/No Question), há também as do tipo Wh-Questions. A seguir, coloque as palavras na ordem correta para formar Wh-Questions com Where (Onde).

a) the pencil is Where?

14) Unscramble the words to make the Wh-Question.
    Coloque as palavras em ordem para formar as Wh-Question.

a) and Jason Mary are Where?

15) Unscramble the words to make the Wh-Question.

a) you Where are?

Congratulations! You have finished the Grammar Quiz 1.


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