Grammar Quiz 5

Grammar Quiz 5

Do the following exercises related to Grammar 5 - The indefinite articles A / An.

1) Em inglês, os artigos indefinidos "a" e "an" são utilizados de acordo com o som do começo da palavra à qual o artigo se refere. A seguir, coloque os artigos corretos para cada substantivo. Este exercício não será pontuado. Clique aqui e cheque as respostas no Answer Keys.






2) Os artigos indefinidos, indefinite articles, "a" e "an" são usados apenas para se referir a algo no singular. Eles nunca serão usados quando a frase estiver no plural. A seguir, preencha a lacuna com o artigo indefinido correto. Quando não houver necessidade do uso do artigo escreva "none" (que significa nenhum).

a) What's this?
It's  umbrella.

3) Write an indefinite article in the blank. If it is not necessary to write an indefinite article write "none" in the blank.
   Escreva um artigo indefinido na lacuna. Se não for necessário escrever um artigo indefinido escreva "none" na lacuna.

a) What's this?
This is  television.

4) Write an indefinite article in the blank. If it is not necessary to write an indefinite article write "none" in the blank.

a) What are these?
They are  watches.

5) Write an indefinite article in the blank. If it is not necessary to write an indefinite article write "none" in the blank.

a) What's this?
It's  airplane.

6) Write an indefinite article in the blank. If it is not necessary to write an indefinite article write "none" in the blank.

a) What are these?
They are  cats.

7) Write an indefinite article in the blank. If it is not necessary to write an indefinite article write "none" in the blank.

a) What's this?
It's  pen.

8) Write an indefinite article in the blank. If it is not necessary to write an indefinite article write "none" in the blank.

a) What's this?
It's  apple.

9) Write an indefinite article in the blank. If it is not necessary to write an indefinite article write "none" in the blank.

a) What are these?
They are  cars.

10) Write an indefinite article in the blank. If it is not necessary to write an indefinite article write "none" in the blank.

a) What's this?
It's  mug.

Congratulations! You have finished the Grammar Quiz 5.


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