Answer Keys – Lessons 37 to 40

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Answer Keys - Lesson Exercises - Beginner Course

Quiz 10 - Lessons 37 to 40

1) No, it isn't. It is a stressful job.

2) No. it isn't. It is very cool.

3) He hates it. Firefighter's job isn't safe.

4) do, am, teach

5) has, does, is

6) like, is, do 

7) What do you eat for breakfast?

8) What do you always drink for breakfast?

9) A: What does (does / do) Anderson usually eat for breakfast?

    B: He usually has (have / has) bread, cheese and some fruits.

    A: What are (is / are) his favorite fruits?

    B: He likes (like / likes) banana, orange, pineapple and strawberry.

    A: What does he drink (drink / drinks) for breakfast?

    B: He always drinks (drink / drinks) coffee, milk and fruit juices.

10) A: What do you  (have / has) for breakfast? 

      B: I usually have potato and fish for breakfast?

      A: Fish for breakfast??!! That is (is / are) strange!

      B: I like (like / likes) fish and i have it for breakfast. What do you usually eat for breakfast?

      A: I usually eat (eat / eats) bread with butter. I never have fish.

11) Emprego - Job

     Segurança - Security guard

     Músico - Musician

     Caixa (de supermercado, por exemplo) - Cashier

     Policial - Police Officer

     Bombeiro - Firefighter

    Juiz - Judge

    Cantor - Singer

    Legal - Cool

    Chato - Boring

    Difícil - Difficult

    Fácil - Easy

    Seguro - Safe

    Perigoso - Dangerous

    Relaxante - Relaxing

    Emocionante - Exciting

    Café da manhã - Breakfast

    Fruta - Fruit

    Banana - Banana

    Laranja - Orange

    Morango - Strawberry 

    Leite - Milk

    Café - Coffee

    Pão - Bread

    Queijo - Cheese

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