Answer Keys – Lessons 73 to 76

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Answer Keys - Lesson Exercises - Beginner Course

Quiz 20 - Lessons 73 to 76

1) Of course. I'd love to have dinner with you.

2) Sure. I'd really like to go downtown with you.

3) Would you like to go the cinema with me?

4) Would you like to help me my homework?

5) Ayrton Senna was (was / were) a Brazilian racing driver who won (win / won) three Formula One World Championship for McLaren in 1988, 1990 and 1991, and is considered one of the greatest Formula 1 drivers of all time.
Senna was born in São Paulo in 1960. He was raised in a rich family and developed an (a / an) interest in cars and motor racing when he was only four years old. He was very athletic and did well in many sports. At the age of seven, Senna first learned (learning / learned) to drive a jeep around his family's farm and could change gears without the use of a clutch. When he was thirteen he started (start / started) to race in kart competitions. His father built his first kart using a lawnmower engine. Senna won the South American Kart Championship in 1977 and in 1981 he moved to England to win championships in Formula Ford 1600 and 2000, and in British Formula 3. His (His / He's) good performance in Formula 3 made Senna to compete in Formula 1. His first Grand Prix was in (in / on) Brazil where he finished the race in the eighth position. Senna would win the Formula 1 Championship for three years. He is considered one of the most talented pilots of all time. He died in an accident while leading the San Marino Grand Prix in 1994. 

6) I'd like to, but I am driving.

7) I'd love to, but I already have plans.

8) I'd love to, but I have to study for a test.

9) I'd like to, but I need to help my sister.

10) Juntar - to join

      Encontrar - to meet

      Mensagem - Message

      Projeto - Project

      Prometer - to promise

      Prorrogar algo - to put it off

      Telefonar - to call up

      Dirigir - to drive

      Tentar, Experimentar - to try

      Plano - Plan

      Visitar - to visit

      Trabalhar como babá - to babysit

      Trabalhar até tarde - to work late

      Grátis, Livre - Free

      Museu - Museum

      Telhado - Roof

      Prédio - Building

      Aproximadamente - Nearly

      Palestra - Lecture

      Obra-prima - Masterpiece

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