Answer Keys – Lessons 52 to 54

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Answer Keys - Lesson Exercises - Beginner Course

Quiz 14 - Lessons 52 to 54

1) hurts, are, Do

2) am, hurt, have

3) take, are, don't

4) I'm sick. I have an earache.

5) I feel terrible. I have a toothache.

6) I don't feel well. I have a headache.

7) I feel awful. I have a sore throat.

8) I feel sick. I have a cold.

9) I'm OK. I feel fine.

10) Yes, I am. I feel terrific.

11) Garganta - Throat

     Pé - Foot

     Pescoço - Neck

     Ouvido / Orelha - Ear

     Nariz - Nose

     Olho - Eye

     Estômago - Stomach

     Perna - Leg

     Mão - Hand

     Costas - Back

     Cabeça - Head

     Braço - Arm

     Dolorido / Irritado - Sore

     Garganta irritada - Sore throat

     Olhos irritados - Sore eyes

     Dor de estômago / Dor de barriga - Stomachache

     Dor de ouvido - Earache

     Dor de cabeça - Headache

     Dor nas costas - Backache

     Uma tosse - A cough

     Uma febre - A fever

     Um resfriado - A cold

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