Answer Keys – Lessons 70 to 72

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Answer Keys - Lesson Exercises - Beginner Course

Quiz 19 - Lessons 70 to 72

1) What was your favorite class in high school?

2) When did you graduate from college?

3) I was at the hospital. I was sick.

4) I worked on Saturday. It was very boring.

5) A: Where are (are / is) you from Frank?

B: I'm from Germany. But I live here in The US since 2002. I was (was / were) only 15 years old in 2002.

A: What is Germany like? It seems a nice country.

B: Yes, Germany is a cool country. It is very beautiful and and everybody loves (love / loves) soccer and beer?

A: Where did (do, did) you live in Germany?

B: I was (am / was) born in Koln but I lived in Berlin. I had so many friends there. I played (play / played) the guitar in band when I was a teen. 

A: What was your band's name?

B: It was called "Der schwarze Hund".

A: What's does it mean (mean / means) in English?

B: It means "The black dog". It was a rock band. I love rock.

6) Steve Jobs was (was / were) born in San Francisco and adopted at birth; he grew up (grow up / grew up) in the San Francisco during the 1960s. Jobs attended College in 1972 but he decided to drop out. Then, in 1976 Jobs founded Apple to sell personal computers. Jobs helped (help / helped) to develop some successful computers like the Macintosh in 1984 and others not so successful, like the the Apple Lisa in 1983. However, in 1985, he was forced to leave Apple.
Then Jobs took (take / took) some of Apple's members to found NeXT, a company specialized in very powerful computers for higher education and business markets. And in 1997 Apple (merge / merged) with NeXT. Jobs became CEO of Apple and helped (help / helped) to reconstruct the company. Jobs (has / had) the brilliant idea to develop a series of products like the iMac, iTunes Store, Apple Store, iPod, iPhone, App Store and the iPad. Besides it, Jobs also started the visual effects industry - he (is / was) CEO of Pixar.
Jobs was diagnosed with cancer in 2003 and died (die / died) in 2011 in Palo Alto, California.

7) on, in

8) in, on

9) at, in

10) on, in

11) Conhecido como - Known as

      Professor - Teacher

      Matemática - Math

      Ciência - Science

      Aula - Class

      Pobre - Poor

      Cirurgia - Surgery

      Chorar - to cry

      Escola de ensino fundamental - Elementary School 

      Escola de ensino médio - High School

      Ir bem, ter êxito - to go well

     Esforçar-se, lutar - to struggle

      Mover - to move

      Natal - Christmas

      Noite de ano novo - New Year's Eve

      Dor - Pain

      No braço - on the arm

      No banheiro - in the bathroom

      No restaurante - at the restaurant

      Na rodoviária - at the bus station

      No aeroporto - at the airport

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