Answer Keys – Lessons 6 to 9

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Answer Keys - Lesson Exercises - Beginner Course

Quiz 2 - Lessons 6 to 9

1) one, two, three, four, five

2) six, seven, eight, nine, ten

3) 39728406

4) 39724786

5) See you soon Mr. Smith.

6) See you next week James. Take care!

7) Good night Jennifer. Sleep well.

8) Yes, it is. This is a pen.

9) No, they are not. These are computers.

10) este / esta - this

      diferente - Different

      então - so

      estes / estas - these

      legal - cool

      melhorar - to improve

      devagar - slow

      grande - big

      alguns / algumas - some

      quebrado - broken

      parabéns - congratulations

      estranho - strange

11) /ð/

12) /θ/

13 /θ/

14) /ð/

15) /θ/

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